Hearts & Hands for the Homeless
We need your Help!
Joseph’s House needs the following items
- Hand Soap
- Alcohol or Peroxide (bottles, wipes), wet wipes
- Disinfecting Spray, Clorox wipes
- Snacks- granola bars, cheese and crackers, trail mix, fruit cups
- Bottle water
If you can donate, please call them at 856-246-1087
Many of our Homeless Agencies report they are low on hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. They currently have many things on backorder for months. If you purchased more then you need, please consider calling one of our agencies to arrange a donation of these products. Thank you for your consideration at this time.
Coronavirus Response at Cathedral Kitchen
March 13, 2020 Due to the Governor’s request to cancel events with over 250 people, Cathedral Kitchen has made the difficult decision that as of today, we will stop serving dinner to our guests in the dining room and instead to serve dinner to go near our front door. We will be inviting our guests at the usual meal times (3:15 to 5 pm on weekdays and 12 to 1 pm on Saturdays) to come in to use the restrooms and to wash their hands and then to take their hot meal (pre-wrapped), water, and bagged food to go. This change will minimize the exposure that our guests, staff and volunteers have to one another and, therefore, the spread of the virus. We will re-open our dining room and resume serving meals to our guests there once the virus’ spread sufficiently decreases. In the meantime, our goal is to continue to provide essential meals and food to our guests. Everything else at Cathedral Kitchen is still operating as usual: Our Project Smiles Dental Clinic is still open to patient appointments on Wednesdays and Fridays, our culinary and baking training class is continuing, our CK Café is open for lunch Tuesday through Friday, we are still providing about 1,700 meals a day to the halfway houses and shelters in Camden, and we are booking catering jobs when they come in. This is a situation we have never faced at the Kitchen. You can help by donating:
1. Bottled water for our meal guests
2. Sandwiches (cheese and turkey or beef bologna). Please use gloves and properly disinfected surfaces to make them
3. Individually packaged snacks in bulk. For example, a small Ziploc bag with cheese and crackers, granola bars, or trail mix, etc.
4. http://www.cathedralkitchen.orgFunds, click HERE Thank you and stay healthy, Carrie Kitchen-Santiago Executive Director
Hearts & Hands for the Homeless
Recent Listings
Oaks Integrated Care
- 1409 Kings Hwy N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
- (856) 482-8747
- brenda.goggins@oaksintcare.org
Covenant House
- 929 Atlantic Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08401
- (609) 348-4070
- jawilliams@covenanthouse.org
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley
- 531 Market St. Camden, NJ 08102
- (856) 854-4660
- adegan@voadv.org